Important note:
We do not know your current physical condition but if you think it’s necessary to visit your doctor before the trip do not hesitate to do it. To hike Pico Duarte you must be in a good physical and mental condition without any special medical condition that can difficult the hike. If you are in good shape will not be necessary to visit your doctor.
Pico Duarte is a mental and physical challenge for anyone who attempts it. The vast majority of our hikers go for the first time to this mountain and doesn’t have the skills nor previous experiences in this kind of trips where the will, soul and body will be tested.
The best warranty to successfully hike the highest peak in the Caribbean is to start a good and consistent training if you don´t want to ride our docile and strong mules.
These are some of the exercises we recommend you to do before attempting Pico Duarte:
- Climbing stairs:
Two or three sessions per week / 30-45 minutes per session. At least 45 days before the hike. The more intense your session is the better. You should simulate the mountain as much as possible and the stairs will give you the best scenario for this.
- Abs:
This is essential for a mountain climber. This exercise will give you the strength you need for hiking upwards and downwards because will support all your body balance.
This muscle group gets stronger with a good previous training some weeks before your trip. Two sessions per week / 25 minutes per session. Remember that the more intense your session is the better.
- Cardio:
Just by the fact of being at Pico Duarte your heart rate will increase and this is because of the altitude where this excursion will take place. If you add to this a long hike in a steep mountain terrain you immediately notice that having a good cardiovascular base will be essential for this adventure.
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